There are a variety of ways that you can check student activity in Moodle to get a better sense of student engagement with the posted content.
Last access to course
If you are interested in finding out when students last accessed the course's Moodle site, you can see this information on the Participants page.
Using the left navigation menu, select Participants
To the right of each student's name, under Last access to course it will indicate how long it has been since the student last viewed the course (e.g. 3 days 5 hours)
Activity Logs
Activity logs will provide you with timestamped records of when students accessed specific items within the Moodle course.
- From the main course page, click the gear icon and select More
- Select Reports>Logs. From here, the logs can be narrowed down by student, activity, and/or date.
Activity Completion Report
This report will tell you who has completed each item based on its completion settings (set on the Edit settings page for that item)
- From the main course page, click the gear icon and select More
- Select Reports>Activity Completion